5 Simple Ways to Get Rid of Your Headache Naturally

5 Tips to Get Rid of Headache Naturally — Wellness Blog — Sundala Wellness

Headaches can range from uncomfortable to debilitating. Fortunately, there are plenty of natural ways to treat them.

Sipping water is a good one, but rubbing pressure points on the body may also help. For example, squeezing the spot in your hand between your thumb and index finger can ease headache pain.

1. Exercise

Headaches come in a variety of forms, frequencies and severity. Whether it’s a pounding tension headache, a cluster headache that comes in groups or a migraine that’s moderate to severe, these can have a serious impact on your life.

Exercise is one of the most important things you can do to keep your head clear. However, it’s a good idea to speak with your doctor before making changes to your routine.

Warm up and cool down slowly before and after exercise to prevent headaches caused by too much exertion. It’s also a good idea to limit how much caffeine you drink, though you’ll want to do this gradually so your body can adjust.

Self-massaging or getting a professional massage can help with some types of headaches, as can acupuncture. Aromatherapy is also helpful for some people by using oils such as peppermint and eucalyptus.

2. Eat Well

Taking over-the-counter painkillers may help relieve the discomfort, but natural methods like applying heat and changing your diet can also prevent headaches. The first step is to determine what triggers your headaches, which can vary from person to person. Some common causes include caffeine, chocolate, aged cheeses, processed meats containing nitrates, sugar and alcohol.

A diet high in vegetables and whole foods that are made from scratch may be helpful in preventing headaches. Water is important for hydration, and some people find relief by drinking herbal tea such as ginger or peppermint. One study found that drinking water was as effective for reducing the intensity of a headache as a popular over-the-counter pain medication. Having an adequate diet may also reduce headaches caused by dehydration.

3. Sleep Well

Getting too little sleep or sleeping poorly can trigger headaches, especially in those who suffer from migraines. Make sure to get 7-9 hours of rest per night to avoid sleep deprivation.

Try to stick to a regular sleep schedule and limit caffeinated drinks, such as coffee or alcohol, in the hours before bed. Also, avoid taking naps during the day, as these can cause an increase in headaches, according to research.

Those who are dealing with frequent or severe headaches should talk to their healthcare provider. Headaches may be a symptom of an underlying condition such as nutrient deficiencies. They may also be caused by stress and tension, so incorporating some relaxation techniques can help. Additionally, it is important to keep hydrated as this can prevent or decrease the intensity of headaches.

4. Breathe Well

The simple act of slowing down and breathing deeply can calm the sympathetic response and reduce tension in the neck and shoulders, a common headache trigger. You can use the following videos to learn how to do this and incorporate it into your daily routine.

Studies show that the combination of deep, diaphragmatic breaths with brief breath-holds and elongated exhales increases carbon dioxide in the blood stream and acts as a vasodilator. This decreases stress and lowers blood pressure, which is a major cause of headaches and migraines.

You can also practice alternate nostril breathing (Nadi Shodhana pranayama), which is known to reduce headache pain. Sit comfortably with your spine straight and breathe in through the left nostril and out through the right. Repeat this process several times to relieve your headache.

5. Relax

In most cases, a headache is a sign that you need to relax. That’s why it is so important to practice stress-reduction techniques, such as regular exercise, meditation, and yoga. These things will help you manage stress and sleep better, which can decrease the frequency of your headaches.

If a headache strikes, close your eyes and try to relax. You can also use a cold compress, which may help relieve pain. You can also take an over-the-counter pain reliever such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, other brands), ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, other brands) or aspirin, but always follow the instructions on the label.

You can also try a light massage, self-massage or acupuncture. Acupressure on specific pressure points on your body called acupoints can help reduce the stress and pain of some headaches.